
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Scottish Guard Conversion Packs

So prompted by our old buddy Dave Taylor on his blog I decided to take a good look at the Victoria Lamb Website to check out her kilted guard conversion packs.... OMG...


These kit comes with three sets of legs, backpacks and three rebreather heads. All cast in metal.

This is what they look like with the GW kits.

At $35 for a set of 15 (aussie dollars which are equal to US $ these days)... I think this conversion pack is good stuff...

Might have to pick some up sooner rather than later...

Her site if you want to order your own:

Friday, February 18, 2011

(Dark Eldar) New Beasts to master...

Welllll... Lots of new toys popping up today.

Looks like GW is finally releasing the much rumored and badly photographed (until now) Beastmaster and assorted beasts. There is a metal Succubus that looks pretty good but as it matches the new wyches and not my army... Not so excited...

The beasts on the other hand... OOOOOO!!!! Preorders are released March 19th...

First up the Razor Wing flocks. I was going to convert these out of undead warmaster scale carrion. Ironically these are just about the same scale and are a pretty good match! For the price being asked I may do this anyway as I have a truckload of warmaster metals...

Next up the Clawed Fiend...
Big... furry... Brutal looking (generally although not sure about the face)... It hits all the right buttons. I like it...
(Yeti conversions anyone?)

And last but not least my personal fav's the khymera... there are multiple poses. They look like the old warp beasts on steroids. These guys look HOT! I will be getting a pile for my wyche cult... I cannot wait! I reckon these guys will paint up a treat!

Scibor Dwarf News

Now some of you may have noticed a distinct lack of painted toy soldiers and posts on this blog of late... Well I teach and it is the beginning of the school year... It has been keeping me VERY busy! Things are settling down now and I hope to get back to hobby very shortly... In the meantime...

Scibor has come out with three more Dwarf models... Three dwarves? Why do I care..? Well, one is a standard bearer! Up until now those wishing to do a Scibor Dwarf Army (like me!) needed to convert the command sections since none of the made models have instruments or standards... I got a huge chunk of what will become my army in the mail and I just got it open to look at last night. Truely ace stuff... I will write a proper review this weekend.

The other two dwarves are chaos dwarf (Moscals as Scibor calls them) champions/ slavers... There are gobbo models too but I am sticking with the dwarves for now...
I especially like the dwarf below. He is reaching into a back scabbard for another axe. I just love the pose but mine might loose the horns...

I will be ordering up a set of these bad boys ASAP... Now if Scibor could do a few musicians and a few war machine crew...


For those interested here is the site:

In other Tourney news: Convic is running this year but the organizers are worried that fantasy cannot carry itself so it is running as a dual fantasy/ warmachine event. Hope I will be in the country to get in on that! I AM VERY EXCITED!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Victorian Tournament News (AND TOMB KINGS!)

Welllll... It has been an interesting 24 hours...

First of all as has ben announced on a number of Blogs GW has announced that Tomb Kings are officially in the pipeline for May. SWEET!!! I am very excited to get playing my TK's with new rules as the ones they have just do not cut it. In particular after having reread the first Nagash book lately I am very excited to see what they do with ushabti and maybe a Sphinx (ala giant spider model). I am most curious to see how they will change skeletons as they are not so good at the moment (change rules and or majorly drop points).

Also... A little bird has reported that Rumble in the Bronx will be running in May as usual and will be 2000 points this year with NO LORDS (nothing new here) But also NO IRRESISTIBLE FORCE and possible warmachine and unit caps... Interesting ideas but I think it will royally screw with the metagame... Rumble is one of my favorite events of the year so I may ignore my skipping of events that change the rules thing. Will have to see... Either way the Geelong boys always organize a top event. I am glad to see that they will be running it.

In other Fantasy news. Convic is still up in the air. Still no word on if the largest event in Victoria will run. Stay posted...

The Victorian Inter Club Challenge will be running this year with Fantasy and Warmachine events added to the usual 40K roster. Very exciting especially since yours truly has been asked to head up the Hampton Club 40K team... Lots of planning to do!

Unitil next time kids...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Silly Idea (Plague Packers?) Help?


Stay with me on this one... I am thinking of fielding an assault marine Jump list (ala Blood Angels)... Using Plague marine models... HUH? Why? Well I like the idea of Feel No Pain being represented somehow and plague marine models look the part. So I was thinking of taking 4 units of Jumpers with two jumping Sang Priests...

Now I also got to thinking about using my Grim Reaper/ Nightbringer converted up Nurgle Daemon Prince as the Sanguinor as his rules come very close to those of a DP.

What do you guys think... Too silly... Admittedly I haven't slept much BUT I have the models and I am itching to try out the Army Painter Bone spray with Dip for a laugh... I also have some Back-2-basix ship plating bases I would love to use for this project. Thinking rust effects could look cool.


P.S. I could drop the Sanguinor if that would tone down the hurt...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Initial thoughts on the New Green Skins

I know I am a little behind the rumor mill here but I am really excited by the new Orc and Goblin sneak peaks GW leaked on Wednesday. There is the obvious cool factor of the super spider with howdah. While orcs and goblins needed something cool and big to that worked in the game (giants are fairly unreliable but lots of fun) I think the cool and big have been supersized in this case. 100mm X 150mm for the base alone. Sounds HUGE! I look forward to sizing one up next to my plague furnace (which is huge as well). (Click for Larger image)

I am not sure how this model will fit visually in with my heavily cloaked orcs and goblins. I have started to think that maybe I need to convert up a woolly mammoth out of a LOTR mumak or maybe break the bank and get the forge world chaos mammoth. We’ll have to see if the great spider’s rules will be conducive for that kind of thing.

I am VERY excited about the new savage orc models especially the two with the giant axe! Very curious to see how that will work rules wise. Looking at the models I am beginning to think that I could just replace the front rank of my orc boys with savage boys with furs and I could use the regiments interchangeably (as my orc boys are feral looking to start with). Very exciting stuff. Will have to see how the rules look. Boyz are 1 point more a model and savages can get a bucket of attacks.

The choppa rules have changed too allowing for a +1 str bonus in the first turn charge or not and regardless of weapon type (meaning choppa spears and great weapons). This is exciting for me as my black orcs not only get cheaper but also become strength LOTS when using great weapons.
(more on these little guys soon as I think I am in LOVE!)

The new book also only has 8 magic items. Now this is a HUGE drop but as there are so many in the rulebook to start with (and lots of those had duplicates with the old orc army book) I am not too terribly fussed. After all I was a chaos dwarf general for years and they had a tiny list of items too.

I do like the look of the item that makes all magic items loose their magic abilities in base contact. I think that could be wicked fun in robbing some of those character heavy death stars of their bite….

Will have to read the book cover to cover. Overall I am exited about the big hard bound army book (I Love the Fluff) and can’t wait to get another crack at reading it now that I have digested my first bite… so to speak…

Next time… Orc Magic!


Monday, February 7, 2011

For the LOVE of the Game!

I have been playing a lot of 40K of late including the last three tournaments I have played in. This mainly had to do with my preparation for the Cancon 40K event that I was attending because the Fantasy event was organized so late.

I have “returned” to fantasy and in my preparations for my first game in a little while I started to read the Australian Warhammer Forums again. What a mistake. There is a war going on between those who play 8th and those who want to changed 8th to suit their opinion of how the game should be played. It appears as though the change group is the majority on the forums and after discussing this with many Victorian players on the weekend I discovered something. Lots of the play 8th edition group have stopped going onto Wargamerau (especially the Fantasy) forums out of sheer disgust (three separate players).

Hell I almost rage quit the game out of frustration and anger over people monkeying with the rules this week so I can understand their feelings. (I will spare you my feeling specifically as I am sure many of you have read them in previous posts) 40K is just as fun for me to play and I don’t have to deal with this crap.

I also found out that a respected Melbourne Tourney will be running with significant rules “modifications” later this year. Now I am immediately tempted to say forget about it and “vote with my feet” and skip it on principal alone. It is not that easy though is it? If I stop going to events (and I am part of a large club that sees these changes as horrible) that I disagree with AND my club does likewise we are just giving ammo to the idiots who say that 8th is dying because the game is terrible. If we do go we are supporting people changing the rules because they want Warhammer 7.5… There is no way to win here…

This alone makes Warhammer fantasy almost no fun anymore and encourages me to leave people to destroying their own scene. Why bother?

Wellllll… On Saturday I took the train/bus out to the Hampton Club with a couple of friends and really enjoyed the trip out talking fantasy. I then got a really good game in with my “new” skaven army (I just finished my stormvermin unit sans blood spatters) against club president Greg Johnson and his Empire list from Cancon. The results of the game are irrelevant except that for the first time in a while I really enjoyed fantasy battle. Magic barely took a part in the game again confusing me as to why people get so bent out of shape. There were dice rolling, units moving and fighting. In short I had a BLAST. It totally rekindled my enthusiasm for the game.

I would recommend any time that we get too caught up in the politics and silliness that occurs in the local scene that we kick back an enjoy a game with a good opponent and remember why it is that do play these games in the first place. Fun.

Til Next Time…

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pictures of great armies at Cancon... (40k)(With a Battle Report)

Hey gang here are my long delayed pictures of nice looking 40K armies at Cancon this year. (click to enlarge photos)

John Travers Space Wolves:

A nice looking daemon army with back-2-basix bases:

Here are a few of my aircav guard. Note the lite up flare objectives... :)

Here are a few shots of a beautiful ultramarines army that should have probably won best painted.

A few shots of Brodie's Eldar...

And here is an old battle report with Brodie's Eldar VS my Sons of Helvis...