
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Next Big Project Custodes... (Scibor)

So a few months back I got a bee in my bonet and went out and bought a Scibor Dwarf army. It is amazing. I am honestly a little scared to paint it. The models came beautifully cast with little flash and with more detail than I expected. Good stuff... Well it has been a busy month with eye issues and the like (I have a piece of my land raider crusader permanently imbedded in the cornea of my good eye) but I have persevered and I am back with a new project. Actually I am taking a henchmen army to a tournament here in melbourne in 5 days. I will get a few piccies up soon. After that though I am heading back to the USA for my annual trip. I usually belt something out when I am up at all hours with Jetlag... This year...


I read "The First Heretic" Horus Heresy book and loved how badass the Custodes were. I suppose everyone did BUT when I saw the Grey Knight book. I found a book to make my army come alive. I was online researching bitz when I found these boys by my new fav... Scibor...
Sure they do not have arms but I like that because I don't love Scibor's sci fi guns...

Since their creation Scibor has recently put out a character to match the other models...

and this dude was already on my want list...

Soooo I ordered a pile of dudes. I also got some Grey Knight models for their arms...

Stay tuned because I am really excited about this project!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Return of the Great White Dope!

Sooooooooooo.... Some of you might remember that about 18 months ago I got a piece of metal stuck in my eye when I was cleaning flash off of some space wolves shoulder pads.... Well, it happened again. My wife left town (which is when I hurt myself) and I flicked a piece of metal in my eye that has caused me massive amounts of grief.

Now you may be saying to yourself... "dude you have two eyes what is the big deal...." Well I was born with a rare genetic disease called ambliopia (spelling?) that weakened the connection between my brain and my right eye. As this deteriorated the connection and not the eye itself... It is not correctable with glasses, or anything else... I am legally blind in my right eye...

Well, I flicked a piece of metal into my left eye when cleaning the flash off of the bitz to a land raider crusader. The metal imbedded itself in my cornea and it has been a nightmare ever since. I went to the Melbourne Eye and Ear hospital (I highly recommend it if you have this kind of injury btw) and they used the world's smallest dremel to dig out 90% of the metal... The other 10% is still in there causing permanent damage. I was supposed to get the last bit "melted" out today BUT my eye was not ready so they will try again next week. All in all this really blows...

I could really use your prayers if you are into that sort of thing... I only have one eye and I really need it to work... or I am screwed in a way that I cannot describe and my vision is pretty blurry at the moment... anyway... that is where I have been...


Monday, June 6, 2011

And now for something a little different...

Went with the misses to Darwin and the Northern Territory last holiday. On that trip we went on an excellent private tour of Darwin describing the Japanese bombing of Darwin. Also hit up the military museum which turned out to be ALOT of artillery pieces and some other odds and ends... Thought I would share a few piccies.

After WWII they built two of these massive guns outside of Darwin to protect the port. Because technology progressed so quickly afterwards though the guns were only test fired three times before being deemed obsolete and scrapped and ironically sold to the Japanese. What you see here is a recreation.
That's not a gun... This is a gun!

The wheel to turn this beast.


Not the "Alligator" I expected to find in the N.T.

Huey Cobra...

Universal Carrier

Til next time gang...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Painted Snake Men

So I finished the weekend at Rumble in the Bronx in the top 7 which is weird since I had the worst comp there by far. I'd say I had the cheesiest army but I think that belongs to someone else. My list was bad but it was not the only 1 in comp there as admitted by just about everyone there (and the T.O.'s I think). Anywhoooo.... I snapped some happy snaps of the cheese army and the newly painted "snake man daemonettes." Would love your feedback.

While I am at it... Here is a shot of a chaos dwarf sorcerer that my buddy Adam painted. It is a scibor model and he bought it at Realm of Legends (host of Book of Grudges... plug plug). He also painted it the same day he bought it (at the shop no less). A truly awesome effort. Looks sweet matey!

I should really get painting on my scibor stuff....


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Return of the Wyches (WIP)

Terracon is coming up and I thought it would make an excellent opportunity to expand my Dark Eldar wyche cult to 1500 points (from 1200points). To beef up my list I added a fighter (which I am still designing) and another full unit of nine wyches in a raider (with night shields so they match).

My units can be told apart by differing hair colours. I had run through red, blonde, brown, blue, and black. Was time for something radical. I went for Joker Green to compliment the purple on the models. I don’t think these photos do the colour justice. The colours are eye aching bright.

As with the other wyches I enlisted the help of my buddy Chris Cousins to help me with the highlights on these models and as usual I am mightily impressed with the speed and skill of his work.

These models are made entirely out of bitz I had sitting around. Not one was a standard model (other than Lilith of course). I really like the models that have the new wyche running legs married to the old wyche jet-biker torso and arms.

Yes, I have to finish the bases but I will do that soon. What do ya’ll think?