
Thursday, January 31, 2013


Ok… So I was naughty.  I logged onto a site that a friend recommended for a deal and tried to order some bargain basement War Sphinxes…   

A few months back a friend recommended “Coolcastornot” as an alternate seller of GW and FW products.  He had had a good experience with the guys on the site so on a whim I ordered two Tomb King War Sphinxes (as I already own two). 

Everything looked fine to start with and they sent a confirmation of payment receipt and a notification of the sending of the goods.  Sadly that was months ago and I still do not have my toys.  Follow up emails have been sent and either have been ignored OR have been returned with fairly weak excuses about customs in Australia. 

Doing some more research these guys appear to do a swift trade in recast models (oooppss).  I got stung not only buying discount toys but counterfeit discount toys.  The name should have been a give away.  In recent weeks they appear to have stopped selling GW and FW items anyway…

Their website is:

I do not recommend these guys at all and I strongly encourage you to avoid using their services.   

Til next time gang!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bagpipes and Cannons! (And a use for the GW Dice Cup)

Some have you have seen the work of my buddy Drew on this blog in the past (Pirate Ogres, Celts WOC, etc...).  My long suffering Orc army is modelled wearing kilts.  It is only natural that they get a set of pipes for their musician!  Drew VERY kindly took one of my boyz and turned him into a tougher piper type.  THANKS AGAIN DREW!!! Here he is sans paint:

In between sculpting fur on trolls I have gone back to assembling parts of the army.  I picked up this cannon from Ebay a while back.  While the flash was a pain in the A$$ it does look good assembled.  I will use it as a dread quake mortar in my chaos dwarves AND a rock lobber for my orc and goblins (as they are escaped chaos dwarf slaves)...  I plan to paint it up tarnished and rusty.

And for those of you wondering why GW is selling a leather dice cup?  Who would buy such and thing and why?  Well here is the why...

Till next time gang!

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Trolls CONTINUE! (I Have Been Sculpting Again)

Well, the school holidays have been busy but a few hours a day I have been back to working on my sculpt my own trolls project. Now I started this months ago as part of my O and G army BUT back then I had no idea how much WORK this would be.  Two weeks ago they looked like this. 

Now you might notice how there are 24 trolls here.  They look terribly bald.
Here are the boys today.  2/3rds are done...  8 are mostly done.
Here are some close ups... 
I broke up the fur on a few with a couple of wounds...
I also added some patches of scales to vary things... 

A couple need quite a bit of fur.
BUT most only need a patch or two...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

First impressions of (Playing) Bolt Action

I hosted a wee games day at the house I am house sitting down by the beach (it is a tough life I know).  I am very excited to say that after having reading the books for months I was finally able to get a game of Bolt Action!  
My usual games club (Hampton Games Club) is currently shut down for the holidays so I invited the guys to come around yesterday afternoon for a few games, a BBQ and some fun.  My old mate Dave dropped by with a few starter armies of Brits and Germans and he talked me through a game (there is always a big difference between reading the rules and playing them).  

Since I am well into assembling a German army I opted to use them and Dave got to use his Scot's guard and Veteran Commando force.  We set up in the ruins of a bombed out town and I had to take two of Dave's three objectives in six or more turns (in this way it felt a lot like 40K). 

I had a four squads of Veteran guys with a mix of weapons (SMG's, Assault rifles, rifles, occasional panzerfausts), a tiger (YEAH BOOOOY!!!), a couple of small half tracks, a command section, a flamer thrower and a panzer shreck (a rocket launcher).  

Dave had very similar stuff...  lots of dudes on foot, an anti tank gun, a tank, a flame thrower, a sniper, and observer, and a few machine gun carriers.  

Basically we tried to incorporate lots of different types of toys to push around the table.

The first two turns were very slow and we went through the rules and nothing seemed to be dying.  Dave explained that since we were both playing veteran forces they were very sturdy.  When he plays against another Hampton member Greg and his Russians (inexperienced troops), Greg has loads more dudes on the table but they die like crazy.  I suppose that reflects the large difference of points between these troops (the better options for more elite troops weapons wise is nice too).

After we got into the swing though it played easily and was lots of fun.  

A few random thoughts:

Assaults are vicious!  You win or loose HUGE!  You loose, you die!  

Assault rifles are AMAZING!  They are expensive to give to your troops and only expensive elite troops can take lots of them BUT wow are they great.  Shooting, assaulting, everything. AMAZING!

Tanks are fun to use but honestly they didn't do much in our game until the very last turn when I parked my tiger on top of one of his platoons on an objective to win!  (Have I mentioned I LOVE the idea of the tiger?  Big, ugly and tough!)  Sooo much fun! Stupidly expensive but lots of fun!

Flame throwers are ridiculous at clearing infantry and kicking them out of buildings!  So good!

I like the option to go on overwatch.  I feel it really fits with the random nature of game turns.

It was a little weird to not pre measure everything (after playing lots of the last two editions of 40K and Fantasy) but that was definitely not the end of the world.

Overall I loved playing Bolt Action and playing has inspired me to get my Germans up and running (and to get out and buy a flame thrower team!).  Is it going to be my next gaming love... Well, I will have to play more to see and see how it works in organised tournament play.  Will I play enough to see.  Definitely!  

More soon!


Monday, January 7, 2013

Bolt Action Japanese Army List!!!

Warlord Games has finally released an army list allowing folk to field their very cool Japanese range.
I am VERY EXCITED about this!

Here it is:

More to come soon...  Having camera issues but I am hobbying full time!  (Gotta love school holidays)