Operation Wolf:
Operation Wolf will be held at Good Games Melbourne on Sunday, the 18th of March 2018.
The event will be run by Brad “Old Man" Morin with the support from the awesome staff at Good Games Melbourne.
Good Games
Contact Information:
For more information, to submit an army list and for registration information please email Brad at: whatisabattle(at)gmail.com
Army Lists:

We have no restrictions listed for this event. We would like to encourage people to experiment and play with lists that are fun to play with and to play against. This is NOT a win at all costs event. The TO reserves the right to ask players to resubmit army lists that are considered abusive to play against.
There will be prize drawing for players who go to the effort of theming their lists. I.E. Invasion of Manchuria Japanese, Guadalcanal Marines, German forces in Anzio, etc…
There will be prize drawing for players who go to the effort of theming their lists. I.E. Invasion of Manchuria Japanese, Guadalcanal Marines, German forces in Anzio, etc…
Use of units listed in the "Tank Wars" book and units from Theatre and Campiagn books like the “Battle of the Bulge”, “Empire Of The Sun,” or “Battlefield Europe” are available to use as well.
Please make sure that you are familiar with the most up to date rules FAQ PDF available (for free) from the Warlord Games Website.
We will have 7 trophies on offer at this event. That said, there will be plenty of prizes in addition to this that players will be eligible to win.
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best Sports (for the player that folks most liked playing)
Best Painted Army (as determined by players in the event)
Best Themed Army (as determined by the TO, if your army has a theme make sure this is communicated to the TO)
Best New Player (You are eligible for this if this is your 1st or 2nd ever Bolt Action Event)

To submit an army list and for registration information please email Brad at: whatisabattle(at)gmail.com
The event costs $15 which must be paid via PayPal prior to the event to hold your place.
For this event you will need:
• Warlord order dice and enough six sided dice to play the game
• 3, 40mm circular objective markers
• A tape measure
• The rulebook and relevant “Armies of…” book or list
• Pin markers
• A pen and/or a pencil
• 3 print outs of your army list
• An appropriate dice bag
We would like to thank our major sponsors for this event:
The War and Peace gang have once again generously provided prize support this tournament. As the Australian distributor of Warlord games products they have a great selection of product AND have a super friendly and helpful staff that love to "talk shop." Give them a call or check them out online:
We would also like to express our thanks to Warlord Games for writing such a great game system (Bolt Action) and for consistently providing great prize support for our events. Thanks guys!!!
Trenchworx are the makers of high quality resin vehicles and 3D printed kits. We highly recommend that you check out their online shop for some one of a kind models that you cannot get anywhere else.
Sorry to bother you but I was wondering what happened to all your forge world Tallarn models ?