I have a pile sitting in boxes. I really wanted to do skaven but everyone and their dog will be doing that (and I just got an army of theem) and I don't think I have the time to do that many models. I also really wanted to get stuck into a pile of minis I found in a box at my parent's house last Christmas... Nippon.
(these are ALL GW models) I have roughly 45 samurai with swords, 18 samurai with swords in heavy armour, 16 of so heavily armoured samurai with pole arms, 2 ninja, 1 converted priest/ mage, a pile of character models (8 or so), a nipponese rocket with crew, 12 armoured samurai with long bows, and some other stuff...
Some of these models can be seen on this page here...
There are lots not shown there and I do not have many shown on that page but that shows some of the models for reference. The bases are stamped and labeled GW on all models so that answers the company question.
Roughly 80% or more of the army is pre-slotta bases which is AWESOME fun. Need to figure how to mount these later.
In the coming months I plan to track my progress both as a painter of the army and as a general. I am also breaking tradition by playtesting the heck out of something before taking it to a tourney. While I might have trouble being exciting posting wise for the next month or so because I will be writing reports (I teach) December on should be epic.
Why Samurai? I will get to that later...
Why GW only models (or trying to anyway)? Because I am a hopeless fanboy.
Now the important question... What army list to use...

Looking at the model list I narrowed it down a bit. Empire was one of the first picks but I don't have enough models let alone hand gunners and lots of nights... I would also not have anything to use the ninja as... I want ninjas...
Next... High Elves... Bowmen... Check... Elite units of swordsmen... Check... Same toughness and strength as humans... check... ASF... kinda matches the whole samurai bad ass thing... kinda check... Dragon riders... check... I could convert a small unit of cav or try sculpting them by hand... maybe... Hmmmm... still no ninja...
Last... Dark Elves... On the downside lots of people don;t like playing them BUT basic warriors with hand weapons... Yup... Pole arms and heavy armor (Black guard)... Ok... swordsmen in hvy armor (executioners)... Yup... yakuza as shades... rocket teams as bolt throwers... yup... Funky cav (cold ones) I can convert into temple dogs... Heck yeah! Assassins... CHECK!!!
Hmmm.... bows instead of crossbows... might have to convert those... Need to get pole arms to add to basic soldiers... doable...

I am thinking Dark elves are the way to go... I do want to avoid the usual suspects in the list though... Hydras are AWESOME in the game where one ate my army BUT I don't think they fit my theme... Also, Hated playing against the pendant... So I probably won't use one...
What it comes down to is this:
I WANT TO MAKE AN ARMY THAT FITS MY THEME (and models) THAT 1) CAN WIN A GAME 2) IS NOT JUST ANOTHER DARK ELF LIST... 3) is as much fun to play with as it is against... If that makes sense...
Hope you stay tuned and enjoy...
Here are the models that I have: