So a few months back I got a bee in my bonet and went out and bought a Scibor Dwarf army. It is amazing. I am honestly a little scared to paint it. The models came beautifully cast with little flash and with more detail than I expected. Good stuff... Well it has been a busy month with eye issues and the like (I have a piece of my land raider crusader permanently imbedded in the cornea of my good eye) but I have persevered and I am back with a new project. Actually I am taking a henchmen army to a tournament here in melbourne in 5 days. I will get a few piccies up soon. After that though I am heading back to the USA for my annual trip. I usually belt something out when I am up at all hours with Jetlag... This year...

I read "The First Heretic" Horus Heresy book and loved how badass the Custodes were. I suppose everyone did BUT when I saw the Grey Knight book. I found a book to make my army come alive. I was online researching bitz when I found these boys by my new fav... Scibor...
Sure they do not have arms but I like that because I don't love Scibor's sci fi guns...

Since their creation Scibor has recently put out a character to match the other models...

and this dude was already on my want list...

Soooo I ordered a pile of dudes. I also got some Grey Knight models for their arms...
Stay tuned because I am really excited about this project!
Looking forward to seeing what you do with this project