Well another year gone and the VICC’s have
come and gone again,
The VICC’s (The Victorian Inter Club
Challenge) is one of my favorite events of the year. It brings all of the Victorian clubs together
to sort out the best of the best in Warmachine, Warhammer and 40K. As you have a team of 5 players (only 4 play
at a time) it really involves a layer of meta-game that really makes you think
outside of the box. The first three games
are standard one on one events and day two consists of larger, partner games.
Because you are expected to play in
individual games and in team events with the same lists, army list creation and
interaction involves a different way of thinking (or could I suppose). I was voted team captain of the Hampton club 40K team again this year and with work being crazy and with my almost complete lack of
recent 40K experience (too much fantasy I suppose) I have to admit very little
though went into my/ our lists and really preparation was a bit of a dog’s
The Hampton Club is know for its strong
Fantasy and Warmachine presence as much as it is know for an almost nonexistent
40K culture. As such I once again pulled
Nick Cook and Noakes out to play. After
last years struggles and fun both of these fine gents actually practiced 40K
and both came prepared in different ways.
Nick played in a non-VICC event and actually podiumed using my Wyche
Cult. Noakes on the other hand built,
playtested and painted his own grey knight army. Both
would say they are still learning but they were far more prepared than last
year. Our thug from last year’s team
(Brody) was unavailable. We replaced him
with former Golden D6 and all around ace dude Adam “Ratboy” Jones (who has been
a frequenter of Hampton on and off for a year or so) and Aaron who had my Alienids
so long that I forgot what they looked like (he was very prepared and knew his/my army VERY well!). Which just left
me. I had played one day of a 40K event
since last July. I had not really played
against Grey Knights and Necrons in the current scene and man have things
changed! Lists have taken a much harder
edge since I played 40K last.
once again Hampton with it’s strength in the other systems depended on
our motley crew to pull a solid showing to ensure Hampton’s place as Victoria’s
best wargaming club. The weekend itself
was a blur of dice, laughs, and shenanigans.
We won our first two rounds (individual games factored into an overall
win/loss/draw for your club for each round) and lost badly in round three. Day two saw draws in both games…
To make a long story short we won best
sports in 40K which I am massively proud of (and slightly embarrassed by as personally
I was a jackass in my 2nd game against a friendly club). We also came 5th out of 12
teams. Not bad considering the level of
competition that came out to play this year.
I am immensely proud of my boys! Our
efforts also proved to be enough to drag Hampton across the line for a 2nd
year in a row as the Best Victorian Club.
I am pleased as punch at all the team work and support that went on over
the weekend (across all the game systems) and really makes me proud to be part of such a tight nit group of
friends and hobbyists.
This has also relit my passion for painting and playing 40K. I have holidays coming up in a week. I might do something crazy and try and finish a few half finished projects that I have had in the wings for far too long. I might then try and get a large Hampton contingent to play 40K at Terracon with me in June.
The Overall Trophy with our team medallions. Every member of the winning team got a medal this year. Very cool! |