So last weekend was our good mate's (Drew the hobby machine!) bachelor party. While activities ran well into the night. The day began with an afternoon game in the park. The Game: Bike Quidditch. I have to admit it is not something that would normally do but man was it a lot of fun to play. Part of that was since everyone was on a bike and since it forced you to develop new skills everyone kinda started at the same level. Besides getting too much sun I thought the afternoon was a great success and I thought I would share the game as written. Anyway... The rules:
Modified rules for Bike Quidditch
Teams: Teams will consist of:
− 1 Keeper, who will be equipped with a broom. The Keeper will be required to protect his team's goals
− Chasers and Beaters in a ratio of 3:2 or as near as possible.
− Chasers will manoeuvre the Quaffle into a scoring position to put it through the goals
− Beaters are able to pick up and make use of Bludgers.
− There will be no Seeker.
− All positions are played riding a bicycle
- Field Size: Soccer pitch or wider.

Balls: The game will consist of at least three balls:
− 1 Quaffle will be passed between chasers and used to score. The Quaffle will be a frisbee-like ring. Only Chasers may pick up the Quaffle.

− 1 Bludger will be in play per Beater on each team. The Bludgers will be Vortex-like balls. Only Beaters may pick up the Bludgers

− There will be no Snitch.
Pitch: The pitch is roughly the size of a soccer field, with two hoops at each end. The hoops should be on posts around 2m in height.
Scoring: One point will be scored per goal, a goal consisting of putting the Quaffle through one of two hoops at the far end of the pitch. If the Keeper blocks a shot, or the shot misses the hoop, the Keerer may retrieve the Quaffle and put it back into play.

Chasers: The role of Chasers is to manoeuvre the Quaffle from their own end to the scoring end. In given play, the Quaffle must be passed between Chasers a minimum of two times. If a pass is missed, or goes out of bounds, the Quaffle is dead and the minimum two passes are reset.
A Quaffle that is dead may be picked up by the first Chaser (from either team) to touch it with his body or bike and brought back into play. A dead quaffle that is out of bounds may only be picked up by the team that did not throw it. Chasers should not aggressively contest a dead Quaffle. To bring a dead Quaffle back into play, a Chaser must come to a stop and pass the Quaffle before moving again. Aside from this action, Chasers should endeavour to keep mobile.
Chasers may not forcibly take the Quaffle from one-another.

Beaters: The role of the Beaters is to prevent the Chasers from manoeuvring the Quaffle into a scoring position. A Beater may pick up a Bludger and throw it at an opponent. If a player is hit by a Bludger, they must immediately discard any ball they may be carrying (Quaffle or Blugers). A beater may use a a Bludger to shield himself or a team-mate from another Bludger. Aside from picking up a Bludger, Beaters should endeavour to keep mobile. Beaters can only hold a Bludger for a maximum of 5 seconds.

Keepers: The role of the Keeper is to protect his team's goals. He may use his hands or broom to protect his goals, but may only handle the Quaffle in order to protect the goal. The Keeper may ignore the Bludgers. (We amended this rule and allowed Keepers to handle the Quaffle like a chaser and it worked the treat).
Game Length: 15 minute quarters.
Other notes: The game is intended to be played with zero contact. Mistakes can occur, and are acceptable. If any contact is deemed intentional and excessive, a hand-over of the Quaffle may be enforced.
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