I have opted out of Arc this year as I don;t sleep for months before hand BUT I do want to get in on the fun of two one day tournies in a row. As I really don;t want to win (and as I have played one game in 6 months... of 40K) I thought it would be a great time to monkey around with different lists.
Day 1: Saturday: Dark Eldar... I know, I know... I can hear the booing from here. Or maybe that is the wheels on the bandwagon turning I hear groaning. Either way in last edition I had a very successful very brief run with a badly painted wyche cult. I wanted to bring them back. Unfortunately between 5th ed and the new DE book the ol wyche cult ain't what it used to be...
%^*& it. I am going to give it a go. my 1200 point list revolves around 4 squads of nine wyches, 1 squad of 7 blood brides, and 1 ravager... All squads are mounted in a raider with a dark lance. A few power weapons and agonizers aside that is it. Except for HQ. Now everyone and their dog is taking an archon and/or special characters (in not hemo coven lists). I am taking the never talked about sucubus. Yup it is a poor choice but it is themed. All wyches all the time and it is what I have...
Here are a few dirty shots of the troops while their water effects dries. Many thanks to Chris Cousins who helped me to get this project done in next to zero time. I will take more photos on the day.
Day 2: Blood Angels: More groans... I know... I am taking another list that is a little left of the norm. tac squad in razorback, a couple of assault squads in rhinos, a chaplain with priest in 7 jump packs. Ok, not that left but hardly abusive. Never used the Angels before and I am pretty excited about it.
I will get closer photos on the day. Til then this is what I have.

We'll have to see how we go.
Back to raiders...
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