Scibor has come out with three more Dwarf models... Three dwarves? Why do I care..? Well, one is a standard bearer! Up until now those wishing to do a Scibor Dwarf Army (like me!) needed to convert the command sections since none of the made models have instruments or standards... I got a huge chunk of what will become my army in the mail and I just got it open to look at last night. Truely ace stuff... I will write a proper review this weekend.

The other two dwarves are chaos dwarf (Moscals as Scibor calls them) champions/ slavers... There are gobbo models too but I am sticking with the dwarves for now...
I especially like the dwarf below. He is reaching into a back scabbard for another axe. I just love the pose but mine might loose the horns...

I will be ordering up a set of these bad boys ASAP... Now if Scibor could do a few musicians and a few war machine crew...
For those interested here is the site: http://sciborminiatures.com/
In other Tourney news: Convic is running this year but the organizers are worried that fantasy cannot carry itself so it is running as a dual fantasy/ warmachine event. Hope I will be in the country to get in on that! I AM VERY EXCITED!!!
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