In interesting news after 20 plus years of my playing GW games they finally give us pictures of the old RT 40K weaponsmiths... The Jokaero have a model. Yes it looks like a monkey and lot of people have been complaining endlessly about the look of the model. I think it looks exactly like it should. I also think that I won't be buying them...
That being said I do like them...

Speaking of models people love to hate, do I even need to get into the Dread Knight debate?

The look of the model aside, lots of people have complained that the DK is not as powerful as the one in the "leaked" dex. But at Strength and toughness 6 with 4 wounds and lots of weapon options I think it is about on the money for points. I like that it isn't too crazy and that in the field it needs support to deal with large squads with power fist type weapons. With a Termie save and a 5 up inv it should be able to do what it needs especially if it has a teleporter to get it what it wants to go (and to avoid where it doesn't want to go)...
Now to the real sticky...
To appease those Inquisitor players who ran little to no GK's and lots of guard support they have henchmen squads in the new book. Henchmen are basic humans that can take crap loads of options including bolt guns and power armour (sisters anyone?) You can take one squad per inquisitor (meaning two max)... But what if I had an all storm trooper army... Enter Coteaz. He used to be a hammer of righteousness. His fluff has changed a bit and he is now the head of a major spy network. Basically he turns henchmen squads into troops... Now there is a funny bit of wording that states that these squads do not fill troop slots... Sooo some people are arguing that somehow they fulfill troop requirements and that you can take 30 squads of three dudes with melta guns as your army. I hope that GW FAQ's this quickly as this sort of thing ruins the feel of an otherwise super fluffy and cool squad. I hope that they just become troops. That would be an easy fix for all involved I think...
I am already having bad ideas about an adeptus mechanicus army using these the new dex and lots of henchmen (but in sensible squads with no more that 6!
Anyway... Out of time...
Progress report on the eggmen (troll army soon!)
Not the first Jokaero mini...
First one is here, along with a gyrinx and a death ferret :)
I like it, if only for the zanyness. I don't see it fitting the Grey Knights in the slightest mind...
I guess they couldn't resist the urge to break out that Inquisitor mold again. I think I have one of thoes in my piles of unpainted mini's somewhere, mayhaps ill get round to it...
ReplyDeleteWhere do these people get their ideas about rule interpretation from?
ReplyDeleteThere are three main possibilities used in a range of existing books.
1 - Units can be part of their original FOC slot or Troops FOC choices. (Max 9)
2 - Units become troops choices
3 - Units remain in their FOC slot but count as troops.
Beyond lesser daemons I am not aware of a unit which can be taken in any numbers wanted.
I absolutely love that Inquisitor figure. I'm going to be getting one to convert for my Empire army.