So on the weekend I took my Grey Knight army with one Grey Knight to Killcount (a 1750 40K tourney here in Melbourne)... It was a blast as always and despite taking a terribly ineffective army I walked away with this....

Here was my list:
Inquisitor Arvis Jebusite Inquisitor Coteaz (100)
Brother Gabriel of the Order of the Cleansing Flame Brotherhood Champion (100) with Digital Weapons (5), Empyream Brain Mines (10)
203rd Morinian Iron Guard, Inquisitor Task Force Squad Alpha 11 Warrior Acolyte Henchmen (44) 6 with Hotshot Lasguns (30) 3 with Plasma Guns (30)
In Chimera (55) with Hunter Killer Rocket (10)
203rd Morinian Iron Guard, Inquisitor Task Force Squad Beta 10 Warrior Acolyte Henchmen (40) 6 with Hotshot Lasguns (30) 3 with Melta guns (30)
In Chimera (55) with Hunter Killer Rocket (10)
203rd Morinian Iron Guard, Inquisitor Task Force Squad Delta 10 Warrior Acolyte Henchmen (40) 6 with Hotshot Lasguns (30) 3 with Plasma Guns (30)
In Chimera (55) with Hunter Killer Rocket (10)
203rd Morinian Iron Guard, Inquisitor Task Force Squad Gamma 10 Warrior Acolyte Henchmen (40) 6 with Hotshot Lasguns (30) 3 with Melta guns (30)
In Chimera (55) with Hunter Killer Rocket (10)
203rd Morinian Iron Guard, Inquisitor Task Force Squad Zeta 10 Warrior Acolyte Henchmen (40) 6 with Hotshot Lasguns (30) 3 with Plasma Guns (30)
In Chimera (55) with Hunter Killer Rocket (10)
Inquisitor Jebusite's Personal Retinue Lotus" 6 Death Cult Assassins (90)"0010" and "0011" 2 Servitors (20)"Rocky" Daemon Host (10) "Blaine" Crusader (15)
(Ran these guys in the Crusader with both characters)
Operative Gargos Vindicare Assassin
Operative Orchais Callidus Assassin
Fury of the Pure Land Raider Crusader (255) with Hunter Killer Rocket (10), Multi-melta (10), and Psybolt Ammo (5)
I will try and get a brief tourney write up shortly. Til then I am bushed and I am off to Boston tomorrow...