Soooo... Back in the glorious days of the unplayable game of Rogue Trader there existed Tin Boyz... See the first tin boyz post for more info... Anyway... I really wanted to recreate the feel of the original Tin boyz as the meganobz in my orkingrad list. I was shooting for 1940's techno-orki-badness. Big brutes... Here are someone else's tinboyz... the originals...
Here are my versions... As I said big brutes... They are killer kan sized (those are 40 mil bases)...
I used tamiya barrels as torsos, leman russ wheels as heads and thumb tact heads for optical sensors, skaven hands and lots of plasticard for the rest...
The back packs are from the imperial guard cadian sprue and the armour chest plates are from the Rogue Trader Battle Wagon model kit.
I have to say I am pretty pleased with how they turned out. Might make more and use them as a terminator army at some point. They need shoota/ storm bolters at some point but for now... They are fine...
Back to the Death Company!
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