Well it seems that my long held desire for more samurai and japanese themed toy soldiers is getting a bounty of tasty treats from a variety of sources at once.
Let's start with the new Kromlech sci-fi samurai bitz to jazz up your otherwise western space marine armies.
They are releasing a set of resin back packs with built in sashimono with henya or oni faces sculpted on...

They are also releasing similarly themed helmets. To be honest many of these look alittle too power rangers for me but I do really like the one on the upper left. It has the right feel and looks suitably brutal.

For those of you in a more feudal state of mind... Wargames Factory is in preproduction of what is hopefully their first samurai set. The preview model they show looks really nice and will be released in a multi-part hard plastic format soonish. I will be very jazzed if the final product retains most of the detail that we see here. Multi-part samurai is something that I would consider doing bad things to people for. What is also exciting is Wargames Factory's lower price point (than GW) so when they put these out they will be cheaper and thus much easier to obtain (huge numbers of)...

If you would like to see more of this model you can check out a 3-D rendering that you can manipulate here:
Even though Battlefront refuses to make me happy by releasing a Japanese force for Flames of War (with some weak excuse about needing to change the game to reflect the combat even though they put out a Vietnam version of the game... similar dynamic kids... grumble...) WWII lovers have not missed out on this feast of toys. Warlord games have released a box of metal Japanese soldiers...

While the models do look nice and properly detailed... I am bummed that they are not plastic. I have bought the plastic Germans and will buy the plastic "Tommies" BUT only for imperial guard conversions... I will not do the same if the Japanese are in metal. That being said they do look nice.

And while they are not Japanese themed they are themed...
Puppets of War has released Bandito Heads for orks a while back and to be honest I was not sure where I should stick them... They do deserve a mention though...

Til next time gang...
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